Einsums: the absolute basics for beginners#

Welcome to the absolute beginner’s guide to Einsums! If you have comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Welcome to Einsums!#

Einsums is an open-source C++ library. It provides Tensor, a homogeneous n-dimensional tensor object, with methods to efficiently operate on it. Einsums can be used to perform a wide variety of mathematical operations on tensors.

Installing Einsums#

You have two choices for installing Einsums, compiling from source directly or by using conda. Compiling from source allows you to enable/disable certain features and to include debugging options into your code.

If you desire to compile from source, visit Building from source.

If you have Python, you can install Einsums with:

conda install einsums

How to include Einsums#

To access Einsums within your C++ code, you’ll need to know the locations of the headers and library. If you are using CMake use can use the find_package function. Then with the target_link_libraries function you can link against Einsums.

For example, in your CMakeLists.txt file you can have lines similar to the following:

find_package(Einsums 0.6.0 CONFIG)

add_executable(sample main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(samples Einsums::einsums)

Then in your main.cpp you can have something like

#include <einsums.hpp>

int main() {

    auto A = einsums::create_tensor("A", 3, 3);

    return 0;

Reading the example code#

If you are not already comfortable with reading tutorials that contain a lot code, you might not know how to interpret a code block that looks like this:

auto A = einsums::create_random_tensor(6);
auto B = einsums::Tensor{std::move(A), -1, 6};
B.shape();  // --> Dims{1, 6 }

If you are not familiar with this style, it’s very easy to understand. If you see do not see -->, you’re looking at the input, or the code that you would type. Everything that is comment and has --> in front of it is potential output or a representation of what you should expect. The lines with --> should not be copied into your code and will cause a compile error if types or pasted into your code.

How to create a Tensor#

To create an Einsums Tensor, you can use the function einsums::create_tensor().

All you need to do to create a basic tensor is pass a name for the tensor and the dimensionality of each index.:

#include <einsums.hpp>

int main(int, char**) {
    auto A = einsums::create_tensor("A", 2, 2);  // --> einsums::Tensor<2, double>

    return 0;

In this example, we are using the C++ auto to simplify the type signature. We can write the data type explicitly if we want to.:

#include <einsums.hpp>

int main(int, char**) {
    // Full explicit data type
    einsums::Tensor<2, double> A = einsums::create_tensor("A", 2, 2);

    // The default underlying type of a tensor is `double`
    einsums::Tensor<2> B = einsums::create_tensor("B", 2, 2);

    // Allow the compiler to determine things.
    auto C = einsums::create_tensor("C", 2, 2);

    return 0;

Specifying your data type

While the default data type is double-precision floating point (double), you can explicitly specify which data type you want use.:

auto A = einsums::create_tensor<float>("A", 2, 2);

auto B = einsums::Tensor<float>{"B", 2, 2};

Einsums also supports the use of complex numbers.:

auto C = einsums::create_tensor<std::complex<double>>("C", 2, 2);

auto D = einsums::Tensor<std::complex<float>>{"D", 2, 2};

TODO: Write a more complete guide of creating Tensors in a quickstart guide.

TODO: Adding, removing, and sorting elements#

TODO: Shape and size of a Tensor#

TODO: Reshaping a Tensor#

TODO: Converting a 1D Tensor into a 2D Tensor#

TODO: Indexing and slicing#

TODO: Basic Tensor operations#

TODO: More useful Tensor operations#

TODO: Transposing and reshaping a Tensor#